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Showing posts from September, 2020

Nineteen Days

A couple of days short of three weeks without the Facebook app on my phone or iPad, I downloaded it last Saturday to share a video of me playing the Super Mario Brothers Main Theme . I’ve been practising it for close to two months now. And up until last Saturday, I haven’t been able to record it with no errors. I still had a couple of minor errors (one misplaced note and one missed beat) but I’ve decided it was good enough. While I still cared about the number of likes it generated, I didn’t care as obsessively as I used to. I tried to focus more on who did like it, instead of wondering why so and so didn’t. I’m gonna try to go a little longer this time, maybe even get to the end of the three weeks, maybe four. In the mean time, I will be uploading my music on my YouTube channel.  Here’s a challenge — What if I try to get to ten videos on my channel before sharing anything else on my IG or FB? Then there’s a reason to plug it, right? I wonder though if I’d still care to plug by then. I

Books Read in 2020

This post will be republished every time I add a new book. (Or as often as I remember to do this because as you know by now, I suck at blogging.) [1]  House Rules by Jodi Picoult [2] The Valley of Fear by Arthur Conan Doyle [3] The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer [4] Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig [5] The Ruin (Cormac Reilly #1) by Dervla McTiernan [6] Reflections of Yesterday by Debbie Macomber [7] When It All Went to Custard by Danielle Hawkins [8] Where Are The Children? by Mary Higgins Clark [9] A Mother’s Confession by Kelly Rimmer [10] Before I Let You go by Kelly Rimmer [11] Our House by Louise Candlish [12] The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson [13] 488 Rules for Life by Kitty Flanagan [14] The Murder at the Vicarage (Miss Marple #1) by Agatha Christie [15] The Thirteen Problems (Miss Marple #2) by Agatha Christie [16] The Body in the Library (Miss Marple #3) by Agatha Christie [17] The Movin

Why Not Tito Ash?

While I was at IGA last Saturday, my brother, Earl, video-called me on messenger. I still picked up even though I was in public because (1) I don’t care what others think, I will always answer a call from my family and (2) they don’t often call me.  I announced that I was outside getting groceries. Without missing a beat, my perfect niece asked, “Why not Tito Ash?”  In the Philippines, they only give one person from each household to have a “quarantine pass.” The pass holder will be in charge of all tasks and chores that require going outside. At home, my brother is the chosen one so he takes care of groceries, among other things. I found it fascinating that she drew that parallelism so quickly. “At home, my dad gets the groceries, so in your home, the dad should also be getting the groceries.” It also shows how kids need consistency to help them understand the world that grows every single day in their eyes.

I’m Now A Permanent Resident of Australia

It was two days after my husband’s birthday that we received the news from the migration agent but it was actually granted on my husband’s birthday. How divine is it that my permanent residency in Australia was granted exactly 40 years from the day my husband was born? I mean, I know that a miracle can be found in every other corner if we only pay attention to the flowers blooming and the sun rising, but I suppose there’s no better way to say what I want to say rather than to steal this line from The A-Team: “I love it when a plan comes together.” It’s so comforting that despite how crazy and difficult this year had been, there are little reminders that there is a plan, bigger than man is capable of conceptualising, and beyond the reach of human intervention. On this label, I would like to talk about my thoughts about the process of moving to Australia, the differences between the country where I grew up and this one, and the perks, as well as the challenges, of being an immigrant. 

Facebook Cleanse

I deleted the Facebook app on my iPhone and iPad. It was the day after Ash’s birthday. I posted about his birthday, and I didn’t get as many likes as I used to. It was a combination of taking it as “rejection” and wondering if it’s even necessary to do the greeting every year which then led me to question the point of posting as often as I do. What is it for? Why do I post so much? Would people think I’ve died if I don’t post for three months? Or would they think my life is miserable because I don’t have enough things going on worthy of posting? Why do I care so much about what other people think? These are just some of the questions I’ve been asking about “maintaining a Facebook profile.” They are questions which also got me to re-assess what I value in life and what I’ve been missing out on because of the amount of time I spend on Facebook. It used to be the first app I check in the morning. What if I start my day by checking in on me, how I feel and what I want to do to fill my day,